Endler's... should I get?


This picture just won champion in BW flowers!! YAY
Dec 13, 2002
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First place at State 4-H horse show!! WHOOEE!!
Hey guys,
heven't been here in a while, but oh well.
here goes...
I was at the fish store a few days ago and I saw these beautiful Endler's Livebearers for sale. Nevermind the price, I almost bought them. I was just wondering if they are ok to go in with a 5 gallon heavily planted tank with 2 dwarf aquatic frogs(they're small) a few guppies and 2 skunk corydoras. I have a biowheel in there(It's specially designed for eclipse 5 gallons) and I feed them tropical flakes and tetramin granules. Would this work out?
no don't put them with the guppies.... they will interbreed, they are the same species of fish just a little rarer than the guppies you find everywhere. If you want them get them their own tank without guppies to preserve their line
Endlers are pretty rare. I think they are extinct in the wild so mixing them with guppies isn't a good idea. They are a beautiful fish though. Any mix breed with guppies will not look as nice as the parents. I wish I could get my hands on some endlers though.
Like everyone else has said, do not mix endlers and guppies.
I would buy some endlers. I've seen them a few times, but I've never seen females.

You can order females through the internet like i did...its quite worth it. If you are in the states, next spring you can get them from petfish.net :thumbs:
I will not mix endlers with gupps
I will not mix endlers with gupps
I will not mix endlers with gupps

anywz, the five gallon is having a little trouble now, so unless I get another tank or rebuild my little 3 1/2 gallon( I need to do that anyways) so until then, I can't get them.
Thanks so much! You've inspired me to rebuild my tank today!!!!
I have lots of Endlers. Let me know if you need some since I now have a 29 gallon that is bursting with them. Again, just keep them apart from guppies . . .

Hey Stewart. Are you really offering to sell some Endlers? Where are you located? I purchased some at an Auction, but they are all females, so I need some males.

I want to set up a Planted Neon tank and have the Endlers in with them. The coloration is so similar, although the pattern is different, I think it would be a good set-up.

Anyway, let me know what you want for them, if you are willing to ship to San Diego, and how much that would cost.

TIA :)

And don't worry I don't own any Guppies, so no chance of crossbreeding :D

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