Eco-pico Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2012
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Hello everyone,
So i am in the market for buying an eco-pico tank for my desk at work. If you are unfamiliar with the tank, here is a link: . (or any desktop tank for that matter)

A buddy of mine has one and he loves it, he uses his as a mini-reef but I don't want to go that route since I left saltwater tanks and came back to planted tanks for a reason.

My only concern is stocking. Its such a small tank (5 gallons) and I dont really know if I could stock any fish in it comfortably. I plan to have it planted fairly heavy, not completely packed with no swimming space but i dont want it to be too open.

I know its going to require some upkeep since its so small (water changes, etc...) but I am prepared for that. Its so small a water change would be simple.

Thanks in advance!
White cloud moutain minnow and some dwarf coryadoras should fit the bill I think.
A low temperature species mixed with a medium to high temperature species? Not ideal is it.

Personally i would consider some Ember tetras and cherry shrimp. Micro Rasbora would also be possible.
Didn't suggest mixing them at all. They where contrasting suggestions depending on what set-up is prefered, and ideas of small species. It is normal to check out water conditions for any fish you plan to keep so common sense would dictate this combination wouldn't work.
I see what you mean. On the point of newbies, you have hit on one of my concerns regarding the forum. Whilst it is full of very good info, there is also alot of varying answers on the same subject due to people having different opinions. I think the best way to look on the forum is as a starting point for further specific research, making use of reference books where possible. Alot of posts, not just from newbies, and I don't want to seem cocky or critical, come across as tho the poster just can't be arsed doing their own research or thinking.
I remember when people would just try and help, not when people jumped on each others backs the second something they slightly disagree with pops up :)
Very, very true as nothing beats learning for yourself, that way you retain the information better.

Everything read on here or the internet as a whole should be taken with a pinch of salt and backed up by solid research. Sadly a lot of people are enthusiastic about keeping fish but not always the maintenance and general upkeep let alone the initial research.

Unfortunately, the longer you are here the more you see the same pattern of mistakes caused by simple lack of common sense or willingness to research, for example when it's an identical question to the one below it, etc. or advice is given and ignored then 'emergency' advice is asked for to rectify the problem. That's just the way it is.
I think common sense plays the biggest part, unfortunately with a high percentage of Americans using the site, it becomes a bit of a challenge around here sometimes ;)
Appearing to jump on someones back wasn't my intention, sorry. Let me put it in a different way which may help. Questions about equiptment, diseases, sudden losses etc are ones which most answers will be similar. Opinion will always vary on which fish goes well with which, maybe leaving the author more confused than helped. I always found planning my tank exciting, checking out the fish I liked the look of to find out their specific requirements and going forward from there. Then again, thats only me, not evryones approach. By the way, must say I have always found the forum very helpful.
i wouldnt go with any tetra or rasbora in such a small tank. what about some sparkling gourami or scarlet badis and some shrimp. dont know about the gouramis and shrimp though, i have read that they are brutal shrimp killers. these fish swim with more purpose than the tetras and are much more interesting to watch. a suitable tank mate for the badis would be hara jerdoni again very small and quite inactive so could work in a tiny tank
Are you on the wirral wirralbull? Am in Wallasey if you are, which lfs do you prefer?
Yea hoylake. I go somefin fishy in greasby. Hese always willing to order stuff in for ya if he can find it. Andys aquatics sometimes has some good stuff but can be pricey. Havnt been to poulton pets for a while. They ad a huge fish section but hardli any fish last time i went

Yea hoylake. I go somefin fishy in greasby. Hese always willing to order stuff in for ya if he can find it. Andys aquatics sometimes has some good stuff but can be pricey. Havnt been to poulton pets for a while. They ad a huge fish section but hardli any fish last time i went
seems like im getting mixed reviews as to what to put in (along with a lot of bickering in my thread between people ;) ).

I know its small tank, and won't accept any of the type of fish I keep in my larger tank. I have never been good with small tanks like this and knowing what to keep. Shrimp did cross my mind, but obtaining them in my area is hard to do, and i'd rather not order offline because shipping is EXPENSIVE! plus, if it dies in transit im out of luck.

I'm considering guppies since it seems like people keep them in success in nano tanks, or a single betta fish. Although i'd like more movement then what a betta provides so im putting that idea on the side

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