i will be moving my fish into my new 110litre tank i. the next couple of weeks. im just in the process of cyclng it. whe. its cycled i will be moving 3 plattys and 6 guppies. oh and one yamato shrimp.
i was to add some nice easy to look after community tropicals. or one nice fish that wont bully my other fish.
i was thinking of neon tetras. but the guys at pets at home said that wouldnt be his choice.
can i have your opinions please. this wont be happening for a few weeks. but id like ideas so i can research the fish.
thanks for your time.
i was to add some nice easy to look after community tropicals. or one nice fish that wont bully my other fish.
i was thinking of neon tetras. but the guys at pets at home said that wouldnt be his choice.
can i have your opinions please. this wont be happening for a few weeks. but id like ideas so i can research the fish.
thanks for your time.