Mostly New Member
Ok, so ive been having problems. I made a bunch of rookie mistakes and now trying to tix them. I have had to move fish to another new tank to keep from dying. They are doing well and tank levels are near perfect for now. But it needs to cycle and was only a quick fix, i know. So on the 10 gal i am trying to cycle, do i just keep changing water? And adding proper chemicals? When can i put fish back in? How do i know its safe? Is there any way i can introduce good bacteria into the water to help the cycle? Does a water softener remove the good bacteria levels needed to start a new tank with? If so, could that be why i am having such a problem? The test kit i bought at petsmart did not come with nitrite and nitrate test, how do i test those two? I was told to not get the strips to get the drops and do it manually so i did but get the kit home and it only checks ph and ammonia. Is there individual test kits for those? I did not see them at the store. Any help would be greatly appreciatd.