Diy Co2 Diffuser

hey guys made my own co2 diffuser today :)

i used:
1x old plastic tube
1x soft drink lid seal
1x filter conection ( off old foam corner filter )
1x fish air pipe
1x heater clamp with suction caps

it uses the outlet of my filter to mix the co2 with the water of the my tank realy happy with the results seems to work very well almost 100% efficiency :)



soz about the poor photo the gourami kept distracting the cameras AI focus. #41#### AI and Cheeky gouramis :p

kind regards liam m
its been running for three days the plants are looking grand the valice has grow a touch already :) and my baby amazon swords have gone green from lime (as in the colour) . very happy with it so far would recomend it to any one with plants :) ps how long does the yeast sugar mix last ??

kind regards liam m
It all depends on the mixture. The more yeast you add the more co2, but for a shorter time and vice versa. From what Ive read 2 cups of sugar and 1/2 tea spoon of yeast will last 3-4 while 1 full teaspoon is said to last 1-2 weeks.

Hope that helps, James
hey guys made my own co2 diffuser today :)

i used:
1x old plastic tube
1x soft drink lid seal
1x filter conection ( off old foam corner filter )
1x fish air pipe
1x heater clamp with suction caps

it uses the outlet of my filter to mix the co2 with the water of the my tank realy happy with the results seems to work very well almost 100% efficiency :)



soz about the poor photo the gourami kept distracting the cameras AI focus. #41#### AI and Cheeky gouramis :p

kind regards liam m

hiya how did you get on with your co2 diffuser if it work out could you help me with making a co2 diffuser with step by step instructions with what you used for the diffuser and what mixture you used for the 2L bottle help long the mixture lasts for and is there any dangers doing it this way and how do you know when the mixture has stopped working thank you for any help you can give me email me at [email protected] thanks again darren

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