Did Anyone Else Lose Fish In The Recent Heat? (Uk)


Fish Addict
Mar 12, 2014
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Like the title says, I lost three poor fish due to the heat last week, they were some of my oldest fish, an albino cory (Ghost) who was 6 years old, a giant danio (Tuna) who was 7 years old and also a glolight tetra (Bill) who was 2 years old.
I was quite sad really when they just died within days of each other....
Who would of thought the Manchester weather could get so hot!
yes, I lost a female melini cory who was new so quite young. A aged emperor tetra, an aged harlequin, and I've currently got a neon that's 'struggling'. This one will be the next casualty.
I'm in Yorkshire and it's too hot for me!  It gives me headache and makes me grumpier than normal lol
I was lucky and not lost any fish due to the heatwave. Think this was mainly due to the fact i live in a ground floor falt that has fairly thick walls that keep the flat cool during hot weather.
Having said that, my tank temperature did rise during the heatwave, usually the temp is around 23.5C / 74F but that rose to around 25.5 - 26C / 78 - 79F which got me keeping an eye on the tank stocking for any changes in behaviour, luckily all appeared to be behaving normally.
It's those species that are less tolerant of warmer temps that might not do so well, which can be coryadoras for example.
the only good thing that's come out of this is my angels are in breeding mode now!
Akasha72 said:
the only good thing that's come out of this is my angels are in breeding mode now!
That makes sense actually, a lot of specie of fish won't go into spawning mode until, say, a rainy season in their natural habitat/s.
So the changing of temperatures can be a trigger to go into spawning mode.
I know of keepers who deliberately change the temps of tanks and then do a large water change after a certain amount of time, this adjusts the water temp quickly and triggers spawning to happen in certain species of fish, angels and plecos are such species for example.
But look forward to hopefully seeing pics of tiny little angels ;)
Ch4rlie said:
look forward to hopefully seeing pics of tiny little angels

We'll see. My male has a habit of eating the eggs. He's older and wiser now and I'm hoping he'll be better behaved this time

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