"desktop" Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2012
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Hi all!,

As the title suggests I am looking at getting a small tank to have on my desk next to my existing 200l tropical set up.

Some preliminary research has led me by some nice tanks like the fluval edge 26l and 46l but I understand there are some issues with the edge aquarium? It's a beauty though! Alternatively I quite fancy the idea of setting up a diy divided tank for two or three beta splendens (minimum 15l per betta.

So anyone have any tips and/or ideas for a good desktop setup? I considered other fish like German blue rams which do well in pairs but gather they like a lot of room despite their size? Any other suitable species I can keep happy in 50l spilt tank or something less like the fluval edge 26l? And on that note any good desktop tank recommendations?

Thanks all for any advice!
The Fluval's are really stylish looking tanks.  I like them a lot.  One thing that always occurs to me with a lot of tanks is how they don't seem to be very flexible and look to lock you into their own respective systems.  I'm not likely myself to want to stick with the standard filtration and lighting and would want to upgrade what comes with it and be free to move to different systems if they suited better what I wanted to achieve with a tank.  
You're suggesting a similar thing yourself already with partitioning.  There are tanks out there already that come ready built in three partitions with a section at the back to allow for filtration and heated water to move freely through all areas.  This sort of thing may suit your needs.
Again, my personal preference is to keep Betta separated so they can't even see each other at all, and the clear partitions in these tanks could lead to stressed fish.
If you have room for a larger tank, go for it.  A larger volume of water is easier to maintain; I'd certainly not pick a 26l over a 46l.  A betta on it's own in a 46l tank will be an incredibly happy fish.
I have a Fluval 46l Edge tank, I agree is a lovely stylish tank, of course its not without its drawbacks.
Access to clean the tank is restricted and can be a little annoying trying to reach far corners of the tank for glass cleaning and suchlike.
The water level, i find is alao restricted, due to the fact there is a small square of tank for access and filter etc, that filling it right up and going through this square give much less water surface for exchange of oxygen, so lowering the level abotu half an inch below the top of the tank seems to work best. Especially if you're considering a bettta as they need to reach the water surface for oxygen.
The led light unit, if you're just planning a very simple low tech planted set up, then its fine.
But if you want to grow slightly more demanding plants then the light unit leaves something to be desired, then this will need to be upgraded.
But on the plus side, its sleek and stylish, the standard filtration, a Fluval HOB is actually pretty good so i found no reason to dislike this at all.
So all in all, its actually not a bad little tank as long as you're aware of its shortcomings and once you get used to it and have your own way or routine of doing maintenance then there is no reason at all why it should not keep you and fish happy for years :)
Thanks for the advice guys. I do really like the fluval edge! I saw the issues you mentioned regarding cleaning and oxygen exchange but had planned to lower the level slightly for a betta as I know they have the labyrinth organ etc. Is 23l enough for a single betta to be happy though? I'm not one to just give my fish the minimum they require and like to provide them as good an environment as I can. Would there be any behavioural changes seen in a betta if I got a 46l? I considered them quite sedate fish but would more space promote more active behaviour?
Also in a 46l I would have good room for some bottom dwellers or something right? Any good suggestions here? I love corys and have 12 in my 200l so maybe more of them or perhaps loaches /bristlenose plec? Or even shrimp? I'm open to ideas :)

If I went down split tank route my plan was to use precisely cut clear acrylic sheet with multiple small vent slits cut through the top and bottom to allow circular flow throughout the tank. I was going to heavily sand it though to provide a rather opaque frosted effect to avoid stressing then out and seal it in with silicone. I have seen the betta tanks you mentioned in my lfs; aqua one betta trio I think it was. It only offered 32l for three betta though which to me sounds far too little hence my diy aspirations!

Cheers again!
Betta will love a larger tank and will flourish in it, as long as the flow rate is gentle.
Shrimp are likely to get eaten by the Betta, however mine does co-habitate with a cheeky red cherry shrimp and a shoal of panda cories (but you will be told Betta are a solitary fish).  IMHO there is scope for bottom dwelling fish if a Betta is in a larger tank.
Shrimp are likely to get eaten by the Betta,
Mine only eats the ones that fit in her mouth.
IMHO there is scope for bottom dwelling fish if a Betta is in a larger tank.
Kuhli Loaches work well with bettas.
but you will be told Betta are a solitary fish
Depends on the Betta, Mine was fine with Rasboras up until a few days ago she used to ignore them, Then she just snapped and started showing aggression towards them so I had to move them out of her tank.
I've seen Betta carrying Neons around.  He didn't eat them, but just grabbed them.  (not mine I hasten to add)
Nick - is your Betta now solitary?
No there are 5 Kuhli Loaches 2 mystery snails and an unknown number of red cherry shrimp in the tank with her.
She just started chasing them, and generally being not nice to them, The poor things would spend most of the day tightly bunched up in a corner of the tank, so I re homed them. I gave them to a friend who put them in a 4 foot tank with a bunch of other Rasboras.
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one whose managed to keep RCS with a Betta :)

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