

Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2007
Reaction score
Liverpool, UK
I have 120 litre tank and a 28 litre tank.

My school of rummy noses have all unfortunately died of some sort of wasting disease, it seems to be contained to just them. Now i don't want to risk buying more so i am thinking of moving my mollies into the big tank as they are getting bigger and buying a siamese fighting fish for the smaller tank which it would share with 3 glo lights and 5 neons. How does that sound?
not sure about glo lights, but neons can be nippy and damage the long flowing fins on a betta. some people have made it work, but its not really recommended.
I have my betta in the community tank with my mollies and platys and guppys and they are getting along great. The betta seems really happy swimming around. They actually all seem happy. I'm really glad I was able to give a large area for the betta to live in compared to the little cup he was in.[/​
b] :rolleyes:

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