Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs


Fish Gatherer
Oct 10, 2011
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My Celestial pearl danios spawned & I have fry, & it was suggested I try them on decapsulated brine shrimp eggs.
I've never used these before.
They came in one of those bags with water like you get live food in.
Do I feed as is or do they have to be hatched?
If so, how do I do it?
Just feed as is. The decap brine shrimp have all of the nutrient value of BBS but can be fed immediately.
Try this!


I've heard nothing but positive reviews and plan on using it myself once my apistos breed. Plus it'll save you a lot of money in comparison to buying pack by pack from the lfs/e-stores.
Thank you, I tried some, but think even that is too big for their tiny mouths as they ignored it, will try again when they're a little bigger

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