Death prevention


New Member
Jan 6, 2019
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Last night I lost one of two Gouramis that are sick, they were in a quarantine tank treated with general cure. I lost one last night and I really want to keep the other one alive. Iā€™m brand new to the aquarium world. Any suggestions on preventive steps I can take to help this other little sick guy out? I tried the pea trick, he ignores it. Heā€™s just laying at the bottom of the quarantine tank, itā€™s breaking my heart.

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Hey Jessie!
Thank you so much for responding, unfortunately this little guy didnā€™t make it, heā€™s up in fish heaven now. I appreciate your prompt response.

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Hi and welcome to the forum :)

Dwarf gouramis (Trichogaster lalius) and all their colour forms have two main health issues, the Iridovirus and Tuberculosis (TB). Neither can be treated so do not buy any of these fish (or their colour forms) unless you can get them from a local breeder. Most fish sold in shops come from Asia and can be contaminated with these diseases and once the disease is in your tank, it is there until you strip the tank down and disinfect everything.

You should check the water quality of the tank and if there is any ammonia or nitrite readings above 0, do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day until the levels are at 0.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it is added to the tank.

The following link has some information on what to do if you get a sick fish. it is pretty long and boring but worth knowing. I recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help fall asleep.
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Wow that was some very insightful information ! Thank you so much for informing me.

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