Death And Decay In The 10G


Mar 23, 2013
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After deciding to replace my 10g with another 20g for my gudgeons, gouramis, and dario darios I was planning on giving away the 10. Instead I was able to squeeze it into a corner and have decided to save my shrimp from the gouramis and make it a shrimp only tank. The tank has been running with this filter for about 10 months, has co2 and I dose with ferts. Substrate is Eco complete (terrible for some of my plants) and I have t5s. For filtration I use a hob and a sponge. Plants are wisteria, glosso, dwarf bbts, dwarf hair grass, java moss, anubias, crypts (not sure) and a few moss balls. Now a few of the shrimp have randomly died, a ton of the shrimp are molting and to top it off my plants are decaying.. The wisteria is literally falling apart and my dwarf baby tears is basically too far gone. Even my java moss isn't growing as much (which I sometimes grow and then give to the lfs for credit) and my glosso is looking terrible. Any ideas on why? nothings changes in the tank, other than maybe 2-3 days of having nothing in it.
What are the water stats? 2-3 days with nothing feeding the bacterial colonies in your filter could have killed off a lot, if not all of your nitrifying bacteria. So you may be in kind of a mini-cycle. If you transplanted the plants from another tank its not uncommon for them to "melt", watch for new growth, the plants can shed old leaves for new ones when adapting to a new environment. Other than that I'm not sure, could any chemicals have been sprayed near the tank?
The plants have been moved several times, but from my experience the only plant that should be melting like this would be the crypts...the filters should be fine as i temporarily ran them in another already cycled tank, but that could have something to do with it? Chemicals no, and I can't find anything around the tank that could be causing this.....I guess I'll give it a couple weeks and see what happens, now that I think of it I'm sure you're right and it has something to do with moving the tank.

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