Danio Ill? Pregnant? Anti-social?


New Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Hey guys.
I have six Danios in my tank, 5 of the little guys swim around in a shoal and are quite boisterous and energetic.
One of them though likes to hide inside one of my ornaments or stay very still practically inside one of my plants.

It looks healthy and of the six Danios I have it is one of the larger ones. Looks well fed.
I just cant figure out why it doesn't want to join the rest of the group? Is this natural behavior? :)

Thanks for any help guys
It is natural behavior with shoaling fish. I experience it with several of my chromis and anthias in my reef tank and noticed it with FW shoaling fish as well.
Thank you. I was getting worried it was sick but couldn't see any sign of disease
Hey there i also have ten danios and I have one that seems to be the boss all the others about, s/he is also the biggest one of them all.
As long as it eats.
Some of my chormis hide pretty much all day until just before feeding time. That's really the nature of shoaling fish.

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