Cutting Down To Two (Or 3) Tanks... And I Can't Wait!


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
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Hopefully within a week or two I will be cutting down to 2 or 3 tanks. And tbh, I can't wait! I think I have got a little carried away and have started to resent fish keeping a little so its probably come just in time. :good: hoping to be setting up a new planted tank too so that 'should' reignite some new interest.

Plus the leccy bill will look a little better too! :lol:
I was going to ask the same I have 3
1- 3ft with mainly livebearers in 2nd is 2ft with babies from main tank in then I have a shrimp tank which I am well into and would to up size but thinking of the elecy bill is putting me off at the mo
I was feeling like that with the 180 as well as the others.

Tbh I'm still feeling like that now. I think I'm a one, perhaps two, tank gal :lol: in truth, even the idea of a nano in my bedroom for my meaty shrimp doesn't fill me with joy. Fishkeeping shouldn't be a drudge, it should be a joy.

I take it you're keeping your Malawis? Are your puffers going to new homes then?
Malawi's are moving on, as are the puffers. :huh: :sad: unsure on the FH though.

I have 5 tanks but find I only really concentrate on 2! Really look forward to this new planted tank mate. Doing a journal?

Oh yes. :D
What are you planning to keep then? Ive not had many tank at once but I can imagine getting annoyed at maintenance...

It will still be kept on the forum, spurry is having it so it will be even better!!

Andy, I have my apisto, tetra and platy tank with all the wood in, the second 180 was planned to be a cherry shrimp tank. :good:

Any suggestions?

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