Curious about bettas


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2003
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in front of the computer
Hello, everyone. I am just curious about bettas. I know very little about them. What are they like in general? Can you keep them in a community tank at all, or do they always need to be in their own tank? ;)
my betta got along with every fish I had until I got the angels then that is where the fight began,it all depends on what you have in your tank as to wheter your betta will get along alright
We have 3 males at this time, and they're all SO different. Our 1st betta ,we bought about a year ago, he was my daughters 1st pet and we housed him in a little bitty betta hex ,more like a cup, for over 6 months until we got the 29 gallon.We would talk to him all the time and he sat on our desk and became very dependant on our attention. After I set up the new tank I couldn't stand the thought of him staying in his bitty bowl, so he was the 1st one in the new and all the additional fish pretty much revolved around who he would get along with. He lives with 3 clown loaches (which he only tolerates, they refuse to accept his authority and I think that bugs him) 1 gold nugget plec, who he really has an odd night-time relationship with, the plec isn't persistent enough to fight over the food with a rather large snail we have so the betta will lay on the algae tab until the plec comes, and then he'll go and try and hinder the snail while the plec eats :wub: , it's a riot and a nightly ritual :rolleyes: , and 4 guppies (pfft not much to say about them, I think he feels the same way I do :lol: ) He HAS killed a neon tetra (he hated them so I took them back to the lfs) also an otto :sad: , poor little guy,but the betta despised him for some odd reason and some sort of glass fish (took them back too) Another betta in a single tank has a really bad attitude so I'm unsure how he'd deal with other fish -_- & the 3rd is an absolute doll (also alone) & I would imagine he would be fine with other fish
After all of my rambling...the point of that was, they're a very sweet fish, they'll snatch food right out of your hand, and come see you when you stop to peer in the tank (MUCH better than a fish who can't hide fast enough when it sees you), mine throw tantrums & pout if I don't give them a treat a few times a day, but you just have to get to know them. They all have different personalities. When your shopping for a betta check them all out, I like to look for the one who looks at you (Do I sound crazy? :lol: ) But seriously, some of them are so down and out they won't give you the time of day, but there's always one in the crowd who'll lock eyes with you and you can actually see the glimmer of hope for a better life :wub: , how can anybody resist that? :wub: ( that's why I've stopped looking at them )And some of them are so busy trying to get the betta next to them, you can just tell they're trouble starters :rolleyes:
But they aren't as bad as their reputation and name "fighting fish" says they are, they're really quite timid but they DO however enjoy ruling an entire tank, keeping everybody in line :wub:
both of mine are beggars. I wolak in the room and they immediatly rush to the front of the tank to greet me. if my hand goes anywhere above the top of the tank they will both go staraight to the top waiting for me to open the lid and drop in food. if i get the tip of my finger wet and stick a betta bite on to it they will eat the food right from the tip of my finger. it is very cute. :D
well i would say try not to go below 4 or 5 gallons if you want them to be really happy. if you want to breed i think perhaps bigger still but they will do nicely in as little as 1 or 2 gallon. people often get upset by this last time i had a male beta i kept him in a comunity tank with lots of other types of fish but never with thinks like guppys fancys or others with limp tails (you know what i mean by limp tails? well kinda like they dont use the entire tail when swimming) i htink the male beta thinks that the fish is showing off and they hate nothing more than a show off.
They are really curios too! Whenever I add a new fish, as soon as the bag goes in the water to adjust temp, the bettas are right up there checking out the bag and the new fish! :lol: Cleaning is a challange with my girls (I have five female bettas in a 10gal.) as they like to try and get in the way to see what Im doing, or tell me I shouldnt be cleaning, I should be feeding! ;) Its hilarious when all 5 of them are clustered at the top of the tank whenever I walk by, just giving me those eyes like"Where the heck are our bloodworms!?" :fun: Very cute. One of them even jumps out of the water when I open the top thinking if she does she may get to the food first! LOL I love bettas. :wub: I havent gone with males yet, but I am hoping to get at least one eventually as I love their finage! :nod: Not sure yet if I'll put him in with my girls or not since I dont really have time or space to accomadate a breeding pair! But anyway, my point, bettas are wonderful fish and a lot of fun with all their little antics! :nod: And obviously from my post here, females can be kept in groups, & with other fish as well (I also have 3 corys and 4 danios in with the girls). I say go for a betta! And like everyone else has said, get at least a 1 or 2 gal tank for it, as well as plants (live or plastic) for some cozy hidey places! ;) Hope you do join the blessed group of people who have discovered the wonderful world of bettas! :thumbs: B)
well, i used to breed bettas back when i was in 10th and 11th grade. they'll do very well in a 1-2 gallon set-up. i really wouldnt go under that. i dont like those tiny ass "bowls". and never was comfortable with keeping mine in those. The ones i kept as pets and not to breed, i kept in 1 gallon aquariums, and they did very well.
wuvmybetta said:
They all have different personalities. When your shopping for a betta check them all out, I like to look for the one who looks at you (Do I sound crazy? :lol: )
Just wanted to say this is EXACTLY how I chose my Betta, Horatio! My husband and I were in the pet store looking at all the fish. We had originally intended to go with a 5 gallon tank of neon tetras, but then we spotted the Bettas.....Well, this one was just looking right at me. The others couldn't seem to care less. I just knew I had to have this fish. Well, hubby and I went out to lunch and came back to get our Betta ---only to find that someone was buying a bunch of the Bettas! I panicked! And then I saw Horatio, still in his little vase and still watching me.

Now the little guy is in his 5 gallon home, and couldn't be happier.

I think it was a good way to choose, because we've had him a week now, and he has been so friendly and sweet toward both of us.

aaww another betta lover :wub: , your hooked already :lol: , watch out, you'll have them all over the house before you know it, they're addicting :rolleyes: , I'm going to get a crown tail tomorrow, my lfs just got them in & I can't wait! This will be boy #4...and I'm setting up a 10 gallon to house a few females as soon as my fishman orders them for me :D , I love em
Ok, I just want to be clear about a few things...... -_-

1. You can have more than one beta in a tank? If so, is it better if they are the same sex?

2. If I wanted to have a couple of betta fish and some guppies and maybe some other fishes, it will be ok? They won't kill the other fishes?

I have two guppies right now and I am planing on getting a bigger tank(not sure what size yet) and I just wanted to know if I went out and got a couple of betta fish will they be fine all together? Also I want to get some other kind of fishes(not sure what kind yet). I had a betta fish for over two years and has passed away last month. :-( All this time I thought you can't have betta fish with any other fish and I was lead to believe that it will fight with other betas. Now after reading this, I feel that I missed out! GRRR! :crazy: Right now I'm feeling hopeful that I can have a couple of beta fishes with my other fishes in the same tank. :fun: The stories I've read on this fourm tells me that I'm missing out good times. :D

If I wanted to get two beta fish at the same time to put in my tank, will they be ok, or is it better to introduce one fish at a time? I am seriously thinking of going out and getting some(probably later this month). First I have to get a new bigger tank.

Now I'm getting all excited. You know when I got my first betta, the way I had picked, I looked for the youngest healthy beta. Because I have no idea how old they are in the store and I wanted to make sure they live long time with ME. I do like the idea of picking the one that look directly at me. I think I will try it. :D

Here's on more question. Which is better, two males or two females? I just wanted to have enough info before I go out there and make my choices.

Thanks in advance! :D
no males together, only one per tank or bowl, you CAN however put females together (so I've heard) my 2 didn't get along at all so I seperated them and they were content on their own, but maybe try more than two females, I think that's the trick ;)
now betta siblings on the other hand have been known to live together peacefully, but once you seperate them they'll no longer be as mild mannered when re-introduced, my ultimate goal is to have a "litter" of my favorite males babes ,I'll weed out the trouble makers and seperate them as needed and hopefully wind up with a few who tolerate each other :thumbs:
and yes bettas will get along with other fish (not all fish) but most community fish
have fun picking out your betta & it's tankmates :D

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