AdoraBelle Dearheart

Nutty fish nutter
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Avatars, or profile pics, whatever you like to call 'em.

I've been seeing many people for years, giving wonderful advice, sharing their experiences, yet still with the default avatar! This cannot be.

You newbies and anyone else without an avatar photo or image! Don't think you can hide and get away with it either! This is for everyone with the default, you're all on notice! Not sure what that notice is, or means, but you're on it anyway!

Your avatar is your forum "face", no matter what the image actually is. It helps make you instantly recognisable, says something about who you are, and helps us recognise each other as people with personalities, and not just a letter and plain background and a forum name. It's super easy, too! Choose any photo, any image you want, skies the limit! (well, almost. Sticking to family friendly forum rules, of course, and you're on your own about whether it's free for use or you violate copyright, I don't care and I'm not a snitch. ;))

But I think it's about time we smartened up around here, pulled up our socks, and you faceless names really should upload an avatar! I'm using my stern grandmother voice, and I mean it! Just look at my own avatar for proof.

Everyone who already has an avatar, you're all okay and not in any trouble. Yet. But! *twirls* do you like my current avi? If you have one, you can share the story behind what it is and why you chose it? Or any other avatar related opinions or discussions.

Right. Good. Glad that's settled then.
Mine is just a picture of me 🤷‍♀️ been considering a change. Maybe I’ll change it once my heads reattached and fused to symbolize a fresh start
Mine is just a picture of me 🤷‍♀️ been considering a change. Maybe I’ll change it once my heads reattached and fused to symbolize a fresh start
Don't take this the wrong way Juice but that sounds so funny, but in truth it's horrible because of what is happening to you. Juicebox Frankenstein
Mine's a photo of one of my shrimps. I've always had the same one. My brain identifies posters by their avatar, so when anyone changes theirs I have to look twice to realise it's the same person. If I changed my avatar, I wouldn't realise it was me that posted :blink:
My avatar is pretty black pleco, but in reality I’m just an old balding white guy…

Maybe I should use a picture like this to better represent

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