Cross River Puffer


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I was given this a few months back, cracking fish and growing quickly. Has anyone ever had one to an adult size and if so how big did it get
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It's Tetraodon pustulatus. I have seen big ones, but I have never kept puffers. Estimates of how big it gets range from 30 to 40cm, so translated to inches = big.

I've seem them sold as T mbu, but that to me is pustulatus - the real thing.
It's Tetraodon pustulatus. I have seen big ones, but I have never kept puffers. Estimates of how big it gets range from 30 to 40cm, so translated to inches = big.

I've seem them sold as T mbu, but that to me is pustulatus - the real thing.
Yes its a cross river which is Pustulatus, pretty rare by virtue of how difficult they are to get out of their habitat due to wars I believe. About 15 or so came in to the UK this year. Similar to Fahaka I believe but I have never seen anyone with an adult one and I am just curious what size people have had them

Its a cracking fish but i have a big decision to make about housing it as I am not sure if I want a single fish aquarium moving forward
It is certainly a beauty! I've seen these in a couple of shops and definitely big money!

They are meant to be more chilled than most other big freshwater puffers right? How have you found them.
It is certainly a beauty! I've seen these in a couple of shops and definitely big money!

They are meant to be more chilled than most other big freshwater puffers right? How have you found them.

Chilled to an extent. He was in my grow out tank with a couple of payara, freshwater moray and a couple of plecs. He nipped at the payara a couple of times but eat a plec in half. He is on his own now bar the moray which I am wondering what to do with as new tank on the way

He's cool though very personable, greedy and active. He's grown quickly too I think I got it in April and hes about 7" now

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