Could I Keep A Pair Of Killi's With Endler Fry?


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2012
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south shields
I have just established a small, 30l corner tank which is dirted and very heavily planted. I am currently growing out red chested endler fry from my commumity tank in it. But planning on adding some shrimp, hopefully setting up a colony.

But have been thinking of adding a pair of killi's but would be planning to breed them. Would this be possible without the killis eating the endler fry/endler fry not eating all of the killi eggs.

If so what species of killi would people recomend, as in easiest to breed and the compatability.

They would make great food for the killies lol, but to answer your question no you would end up with a fat pair of killifish.
Killies are predatory, however there are some smaller species that do far better with tankmates.
Been looking into Fundulopanchax amieti, Aphyosemion hera, or A. australe... which all are reasonably peaceful from reading, and small <5cm.

Any experience of any of these... i do not want annuel killis though... lol
Depends on how big the killi is. If the fry can fit in its mouth (which are bigger than they look) it will eat it, 5cm is still a pretty substantial size in regard to fry.

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