could i do this???


New Member
Feb 19, 2005
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could i put a Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid in my 90ltr tank with 1,kehole cichlid,1 butterfly ram,1 siamese fighting fish,1 angel fish and a pleco???
The rule of thumb I use is the surface area of the tank divided by 12 for fish capacity in inches.

ie; a 48"X12" tank has a surface area of 576 sq inches. Divided by 12 it can therefore hold 48 inches worth of combined fish length. (this equals 12 fish at 4 inches each)

alternatively a 48"X18" tank has a surface area of 864 sq inches. Divided by 12 it can hold 72 inches worth of combined fish length. (this equals 18 fish at 4 inches each)

I have always used the anticipated adult size of my fish when determining how many fish to put in so that a tank that is okay now does not become overstocked when then fish mature. Also I don't thinl you would want to make up your 48 inches worth of fish with to 24 inch monsters.

Hope this helps. :thumbs:
Is the siamese fighting fish male or female? If male, then TBH, he'd be better off in his own tank. If female, still the same but I suppose its OK to have her in there.
thank you, my pet shop says they will take the siamese fighting fish back so no problems there :)

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