Could I Add Anything Colourful?

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Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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Hi all
I've got a 55g tank that I've recently converted to sand. My stocking was totally fine for when I had gravel but now that I've switched to white sand it's harder to see a few of the fish, especially the albino cories (this was totally expected though). I'd really like something with a bit of colour if possible.
Current stocking is:
1 Angel
11 Rummynose Tetra
7 Albino Cories
It is planted with a sand substrate and a few bits of driftwood but there is space to add a few caves/plants if I need to.
I like Bolivian Rams but I don't think they work with the rest of my stocking. 
Any suggestions?
Uhhh, Looking at your stock, Get a Bristlenose plec or two, They come in different sizes and colours. Work well with Corys.
Also, you can emperor tetras, Card tetras and a few other tetras. All would work.
Also, paint the back of your tank black? Brings out fish colours better.
If it were me, I'd get a smallish shoal of cardinal tetras. You can't get much more colourful than them.
The LFS here unfortunately doesn't stock Plecos or Cardinals. No idea why. Custom orders are also ridiculously expensive which limits what I can get 

What kind of other tetras would possibly work?
Back of the tank is already black 

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