Cory stuck to filter intake again


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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One of my bronze cory cats has gotten stuck to the intake filter twice. The first time I managed to find him in time to turn off the filter and allow him to escape. I then got a pair of panty hose and cut a bit of the fabric off to wrap around the intake to slow it down a bit. I then put a taller plastic plant all around the intake to discourage any curious mouths. I went to feed my angels today to see the exact same cory stuck to the filter again and the plants somehow moved enough to get in there! I was again able to save him in time, he's currently swimming around on the bottom but I'm a bit concerned as what to do beyond what I've done. None of my other cory's or fish have an issue with the filter, they seem to know to stay away from it. Any ideas?
If your fish is getting stuck like that then the filter is way too powerful for the fish

Try something like this its way better than stocking

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If your fish is getting stuck like that then the filter is way too powerful for the fish

Try something like this its way better than stocking

The filter I bought is only up to a forty gallon and the tank size is 36. I can't afford another filter right now, especially an expensive one with adjustable intake/output options. Is that a filter sponge you have wrapped around your intake? Would wrapping a sponge around my intake work until I can find another filter?
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Is that a filter sponge you have wrapped around your intake? Would wrapping a sponge around my intake work until I can find another filter?

Yes and yes. You wont need a new filter, The sponge will cut down the flow and the fish wont be sucked up against it, also the sponge will help with filtration because in time it will house lots of good bacteria its a win win.
Yep....I've used a Fluval pre-filter sponge to ensure that fry didn't get pulled in. The only problem is that the sponge plugs up pretty quickly. At first I switched to a coarser, larger pre-filter sponge from Aquarium Coop, then I went back to the others, but used a single edge razor blade to cut slots every 1/4" - 1/2" to lesson the plugging.
Fluval Edge pre-filter sponge

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