Hi everyone
For years I've known that corydora's and salt don't mix and that they can't tolerate it but no-one has actually told me what salt does to them. Does it kill them instantly? Does it make them just a bit sick? What actually does it do to them? Does anyone know?
I'm asking because I have a pepper cory female who developed a sore at the beginning of her tail several weeks ago as soon as I saw it I treated the tank with melafix and it seemed to look a bit better for a few days but then it re-appeared and so I ran another course of Melafix. The 2nd course seemed to help it more but then during the movement of all my fish to a temporary tank I noticed it looked sore again. I held her back from re-adding to the main tank along with the tetra that has some weird body fluke things and put them both into my 30 litre tank along with some Waterlife Octozin (anti-biotic med). Once the 3 day course of Octozin was done I checked on them both and neither looked any better really, in fact the cories tail was now growing fungus.
I got them both into a bucket with a bit of water and emptied the 30 litre entirely of all water and re-filled with 100% fresh dechlorinated water before adding both fish back. I'm now on day 4 of another course of Melafix and the cory is looking a bit less 'furry' on her tail but I'm sat here thinking - I wish I could try a mild salt water solution and see if that would heal this up once and for all.
Which leads me to my question above. If I risk adding her to a mild salt water solution what will it do to her? I'm not going to do anything that will cause her pain and distress but I really want her tail to heal now
For years I've known that corydora's and salt don't mix and that they can't tolerate it but no-one has actually told me what salt does to them. Does it kill them instantly? Does it make them just a bit sick? What actually does it do to them? Does anyone know?
I'm asking because I have a pepper cory female who developed a sore at the beginning of her tail several weeks ago as soon as I saw it I treated the tank with melafix and it seemed to look a bit better for a few days but then it re-appeared and so I ran another course of Melafix. The 2nd course seemed to help it more but then during the movement of all my fish to a temporary tank I noticed it looked sore again. I held her back from re-adding to the main tank along with the tetra that has some weird body fluke things and put them both into my 30 litre tank along with some Waterlife Octozin (anti-biotic med). Once the 3 day course of Octozin was done I checked on them both and neither looked any better really, in fact the cories tail was now growing fungus.
I got them both into a bucket with a bit of water and emptied the 30 litre entirely of all water and re-filled with 100% fresh dechlorinated water before adding both fish back. I'm now on day 4 of another course of Melafix and the cory is looking a bit less 'furry' on her tail but I'm sat here thinking - I wish I could try a mild salt water solution and see if that would heal this up once and for all.
Which leads me to my question above. If I risk adding her to a mild salt water solution what will it do to her? I'm not going to do anything that will cause her pain and distress but I really want her tail to heal now