

Mostly New Member
Oct 23, 2014
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Recently aquired 2 peach blossom convict cichlids. Anyone heard of these before?
Sounds like a shop name for albino or leustic convicts. Also a risk they could be dyed fish but I think its more likely to be the other.
Any pictures?
Here they are.


  • 2014-11-10 16.02.45.jpg
    2014-11-10 16.02.45.jpg
    38.7 KB · Views: 156
Yep just a fancy name for Leustic convicts :) Sometimes they are called Jelly Bean Convicts.
Convicts are aggressive omnivorous cichlids that get 6-8 inches. Convicts breed VERY easily. 2 can become 20 real quick.
How big of a tank do you need for a 100 fish? -All right I'm exaggerating a little bit , but you get the point.
They're also quite common so demand for fry is zero- you will not make money breeding convicts. I had a hard time finding people to give fry to. A 50 gallon is plenty of room for 1 or 2 of the same sex. If you plan to get a pair -good luck
no i dont want a pair but what is the minumim space reguired for 4

and can they go with live plants
SeanTrollope said:
no i dont want a pair but what is the minumim space reguired for 4
and can they go with live plants
I keep them on their own, since they can be quite nasty to each other, so I can't speak on how much space you'd need for 4. However, my girls are avid diggers and destroyers, they even rip the leaves off of the silk plants I throw in the tank and took chunks off my anubias. They're the last thing you want in a planted aquarium
I have cichlids in a planted tank. Everyone will tell you not to do it - but I do (and it works 4 me) You can see my Midas in my avatar.
I have a JD, Quetzal, Carpintis and a Convict as well. Tough low light plants like anubias and  java ferns do ok. Very fragile plants do not last long unless they proliferate quickly like water sprites. My Midas does very well with plants- my JD likes to shred certain species.

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