Confirmation on Fish Compatibility


New Member
Apr 2, 2017
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I am very new to the hobby, and I've been researching avidly while in the process of cycling my tank. I have a 35 gal, and very much fell in love with Honey Gourami. I am torn on tank mates, as I was recommended platy and ember or black neon tetra.
So my thoughts were:
2 honey Gourami
4 platy
8-10 ember tetra
Upon research, I've heard mixed reviews on whether they will be compatible, though this match was recommended to me in a fish group. My tank has many hides and silk plants, would this be acceptable? About a rough estimate on what percent stocked my tank will be with this arrangment? As stated I am new, but want the best for my fish. I still have time to explore my options as my tank cycles. Thanks in advance!
The main problem is your list contains soft water fish (gouramis and tetras) and hard water fish (platies). In the same tank, one or other will not be happy.

What is the hardness of your tap water? You should be able to find this somewhere on your water supplier's website. Let us know what they say, both the number and the unit (it could be one of several unts). And if they give them, the pH and KH (also called alkalinity) would also be useful.

It is much better for the fish if you buy fish suited to your tap water. Once we know the parameters of your tap water we can help you decide on fish. You have time to decide while the tank cycles.
Okay, I'll try and gather this information. My tap water is in the "hard" range, with a pH of 7.4. I know that's vague, I'll get exact numbers when I can. I considered trying methods that would soften the water naturally like peat media, or using part RO water during water changes, but I'm on the fence. I don't want my water parameters to fluctuate, and am not really wanting discolored water from the peat moss.. could you think of a substitution that would go well with the other two if platy do not work out, or maybe some fish I may be interested in that thrive in hard water? To my understanding platy do not have a relatively short lifespan, and I don't want to cut it even shorter with unsuitable conditions.. I really like red/orange/yellow/white as far as colors go (I know, not most important thing) but caring for my betta has been therapeutic and I am wanting to expand on the hobby. I want a peaceful, community tank, as far as fish go
Fussing over water parameters can have side effects, and even without these it is not always easy. It can be done, but before any consideration of that is given, we need to know the initial GH, KH and pH of your source water.

The GH is the dissolved mineral content, and usually (though not always) the KH which is the carbonate or bicarbonate hardness (sometimes called Alkalinity) will be close. The latter buffers the pH, preventing fluctuations, and the higher the KH the stronger the resistance to changes. This is why trying to lower the pH with organics like peat, wood, dried leaves does not always work. It all depends upon the initial numbers which are inter-related.

You may find these on your water authority's web page. If you find the data but can't decipher it, post the link and one of us can take a look.

Some fish are more adaptable than others to a different GH/KH/pH than their "preference" but this has limits, depending upon the species. Fish have evolved over thousands of years to function best in a fairly narrow range of parameters, and when they are outside that range it is more difficult for them to carry out normal functions. This is why we fuss over parameters so much. It saves a lot of problems down the road, and will always mean a healthier fish because the immune system isn't being compromised.

Would this info be located on a CCR from your water provider?
Would this info be located on a CCR from your water provider?

Sorry, I don't know what a CCR is. If you are on municipal water, check the city's website, there is usually data on water quality. Or if not, you can phone them.
Consumer Confidence Report. It has info on the water quality, but this one seems to have less info, maybe i am just not reading it right? Lol. If its not included, I'll call tomorrow. Screenshotted uploads


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Consumer Confidence Report. It has info on the water quality, but this one seems to have less info, maybe i am just not reading it right? Lol. If its not included, I'll call tomorrow. Screenshotted uploads

You'll have to call, nothing about GH, KH or pH there I'm afraid. Let us know.

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