
  1. M

    Honey Gourami male aggression

    Hi all I have a male and female honey gourami and 8 ember tetras in a 60 litre, probably medium planted tank - mixture of all sorts of plants, tall and short, some floating. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 40, PH 6.8, heated to 79 degrees, almond leaves for tannin (I like the blackwater look), low...
  2. Fisho1

    Honey Gourami Not Getting Enough Food

    I have recently bought a male and female Honey Gourami for my 40L planted tank. When feeding the fish I noticed that the Honey Gourami wasn't getting enough food because they kept getting pushed out of the way by the other fish (Guppies, Platies, Rummy-Nosed Tetra, and Neon Tetra) What can I do...
  3. K

    Confirmation on Fish Compatibility

    Hello, I am very new to the hobby, and I've been researching avidly while in the process of cycling my tank. I have a 35 gal, and very much fell in love with Honey Gourami. I am torn on tank mates, as I was recommended platy and ember or black neon tetra. So my thoughts were: 2 honey Gourami 4...