Complete Cichlid Setup 250L


Sep 6, 2010
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Equipment make/model/size: complete 250L cichlid setup, everything you need.
Quantity for sale: multiple items
Reason for Sale: no longer wanted
Delivery or Collection: collection
Sales price: £300
Postage & Packaging: No
Location: Strood, Kent.
Photograph: below


Hey all,

I have completely lost interest in fish keeping and can never seem to achieve the setup I want, so I want to sell my whole cichlid setup and leave the hobby.

Multiple items included which I will detail;
Tank - 250L tank with 3 x 39w T5 lights
Unipac okiishi rock approximately £130 worth of the stuff
Tetratec ex1200 filter, filter has had a new motorhead which is about 6 months old.
Eheim jäger heater
Koralia nano powerhead
Sand/coral sand mix more than enough for 2-3" sand bed
3/4 pack of Cichlid gold pellets, algae strips with clip, sea veggies flake food, brine shrimp, algae wafers
6 Red zebra and 8 electric yellows
Bottle of seachem prime plus 2 litre nutrafin dechlor which is half full.

I'm in the process of preparing for a move so ideally want a quick sale. I will not post any of these items as I want the lot to go as a whole.

Due to the amount of equipment included in this sale I will want to achieve around £300

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I'm working on getting these fish if anyone is interested in the tank and other bits mentioned, then make an offer. I really want this lot sold.
I'd be quite interested in the rock if selling separately?
I can sell you the rock indeed. I have someone coming round on Saturday to break it down and take fish. Rock can be prepared then. Ill need to find a way to send it as its quite long. But I'm sure I can work something out. I'm open to offers, so let me know which bits you want and we can negotiate a price.

I have;
2 OR/1 13x8x7cm
2 OR/3 20x11x8cm
1 OR/7 64x26x14cm
1 OR/8 82x19x20cm

I'm about an hours drive from you, so may be able to collect rather than send...and to be honest, I'd probably take the lot. How much are you after?
Cool okay, we'll I can always meet you half way if that helps, i wouldnt trust sending them in the post either.
I can get to new eltham/mottingham way or somewhere along those lines so you don't have to go all the way down the A2.

Originally I paid about £140 for the lot and they literally are a matter of months old.

£70 and ill meet you halfway, if that seems fair to you then we have a deal?
Missed your reply sorry!
I'm going to pass on them sorry - but good luck with the sale.
No worries, it does see, quite a hefty price for the rock, but it cost me double that a few months ago. If no sale, then ill keep gold of it :D

Thank you TheDoctor. It was nice, it's just me, I get bored within weeks lol.

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