
i reccomend just cichlids, and maybe some catfish or sharks, also, red belly pacus go great with oscars and other large cichlids
A pacu or two would go well with long as you had a tank of a few thousand gallon capacity.

As stated in a previous post....pacu really get to big for the average home aquarium....2ft for the red pacu and 3ft for the black.

Catfish/plecos on the other hand would do well with most species of african cichlids and dependfing on the species (of cichlid and catfish) would do well with most S/C American species.

Clown loaches, silver dollars, Rainbows would do well with S/C American cichlids as well.....depending on the species of cichlid.

Hi Steve-O. What type of Cichlids were you thinking of? There are some of the less agressive cichlids (relatively) which are quite beautiful, such as Kribs & Rams to name a couple, which go well in a community long as they don't spawn.

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