Compatibility Question

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Mostly New Member
Oct 10, 2013
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Hi all
I have a 35 gallon tank inhabited by:

9 Angelfish (size 3.5")
2 Bala Shark (size 2.5")
2 Corydoras (size 1.5")
1 Betta Fighting (size 1.5")
2 Pleco (size 4")
4 Golden Severum (size 1.5")
I noticed the angels dont eat like before I put Severum, are they compatible, is the tank overstocked and is the size of the angels and severum good (if they are compatible)?
You have too many angel fish, those angels will grow to a large size and a 35 gallon just will not do. Bala sharks need atleast 70 gallons, each shark can grow 35 cm in length (14 inches) 35 gallons is too small. the corys are fine, and some bettas do well in a community tank. Is it a common pleco? If so it can grow to 1 - 2 feet long, Way to big for a 35 gallon. And 35 gallons is tight for golden severum, 4 of them is too much really. Yes your tank is overstocked, do something about it before it causes the fish further stress down the line. Please do your research before buying fish for your aquarium.
Way too many large fish for your aquarium size. I would suggest rehoming the balas, angels and severum. If the plecos are commons then rehome those as well.  The corys and betta will be fine but finding tank mates for the betta may prove difficult. 
I'd suggest rehousing your angels, severums, and sharks as well. I mean some say you can keep 1-2 angels in a 30 gallon but I hate to see them in that size tank, so I would suggest rehousing them sorry I know you don't want to hear that.

Severums get very large if I might add and prefer a 75+ gallon tank.

Balas need about 6 to school with and an 8ft tank, they're very skittish, and get very big.

I would then up your Cory school to 6 of the same species.

What Pleco species do you own? Can you post a picture and we can help ID if you don't know.

And the betta is fine as long as it's not picking on anyone, or getting picked on.
Thank you all for your advice.
As for the angels I will sell some of them kepping just 4, and the severums keeping just 2 after they grow a little bit. Plecos are common type and betta is happily swiming among them.
If the plecos are common, then you should rehome them also. What are you doing about the bala sharks?
I would rehome all the severums and only keep two angels, rehome the plecos to they get 2ft long, and the Bala sharks should be rehomed as well.
Thank you, but the main question is:
Can Angels live with Severums cuz I noticed the angels are gathering in the corner and shrinking thier tails. What does shrinking mean? If I reduce the number of angels does that work? Or should I remove Severums from the tank?
Well it may be due to over crowding and stress linked to that, with all the fish scurrying around in a tank not big enough. The severums naturally being more boisterous would make them the bosses and be about to have to most room they require, altough they require more room for even one.

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