Clownfish Depression?


Mar 1, 2011
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Hello all.

Today my beloved cherub angel fish died. Ever since Nemo the clown is not eating right or acting normally. Could he be depressed? What should i do???
have they bred? if so then you should know which was a male or female.. so get another angel that is the same size and gender.. and roughly the same as the old one. that might bounce him/her back.
I dont think a cherub angelfish and an ocellaris clownfish can breed... Would another fish that is active make him happy?
As the clownfish on it's own i'd get another clownfish so you have a pair.

It could be that the loss of a similar sized tankmate has had some effect but with the difference in colours it wouldn't be the same as losing a mate so I would say it's more stress than depression. By having a pair of clownfish in the tank you will see their true playful behaviour.
I already have a pair of clowns, and i really dont want another. Couldmanother active fish make him better?
Well clownfish prefer to be in pairs which is probably why yours made the attachment to the now deceased pygmy, it was looking for a social partner.

A direct replacement may be the answer but it's not a sure thing, a different replacement could work or it might not.

At the end of the day the decision is yours as to what to restock, all I would recommend is to stay with something similar in size/temperament to the pygmy if you are against getting a second clownfish.
I have just added my Black fin fairy wrasse that was getting bullied in my other tank, lets see how that works out. :good:

Thanks for your help.
No, and i realized it wasnt right to keep a fairy wrasse in a 10 gallon. I have traded her in and have a Sunrise Dottyback on hold. :good:
Cherub angel was recommended 30 gallons and sunrise is just because of temperament. But i need a semi aggressive fish so Nemo, a very bossy clown, will not bully it.
Getting a Cherub angel with certain characteristics is difficult. Just pick one,

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