Clown loaches


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent, England
I have 3 clown loaches in my tank are they are about 2" long at the moment.

I have been having strange deaths in the tank and I am trying to work out why. The first strange thing is that clown loaches are very susceptable to diseas and I havent seen any problem with their health. I also have cardinal tetras in the tank and these haven't been a problem either.
I have been treating the tank with melafix as I thought it might be a bacterial problem with the other deaths in the tank.
My catfish died yesterday and he had some strange red marks all over his body, almost like bruses. I have noticed that the clowns have been aggresive towards him at feeding time.
My Female gourami has a nasty open wound on her head and again I have noticed that the clowns are aggresive towards her when ever she goes near the food that they eating (which she loves). The male gourami died with similar wounds.
The couple of guppies that died also liked the food I put in the tank for the clowns and have noticed the clowns chasing them around.
I have also noticed the clowns chasing my phantom tetras for no reason at all.

I thought that clowns were a peacful fish, so am I under feeding them or is this normal behaviour?

Any ideas peeps


I have only heard good things about clown loaches; they are playfull and they like to sleep on there sides :D

Some people say you should have them in a minimum group of four!
Maybe your three feel threatened !

Sorry i can't give you a definate answer :sad:
Thanks for the reply. They do hide alot under the bog wwod so maybe they do feel threatned.

I can't accomadate any more clown loaches in my tank unfortuanatly so it sounds like the best thing to do is take them back to the shop :sad:

crookedfish said:
I can't accomadate any more clown loaches in my tank unfortuanatly so it sounds like the best thing to do is take them back to the shop :sad:
Please don't take them back to the LFS on my post; it is a real stab in the dark, i've never heard of aggressive clown loaches.

I think you should keep an eagle eye on your tank to see if you can see the loaches in attack mode :crazy: Then you can be sure
I've got 3 clowns, and they do well in that number. If the deaths are clown loach-related, then it'll be the first I've ever heard about. Maybe you just have evil loaches? I really don't know.
Thanks for the replys.

I jsut don't know what is causing the deaths, I was just clutching at straws. It just seems odd that the fish are dieing one by one. If it was diseas in the tank why are the fish not all being affected at the same time?

I am sure I will get to the bottom of it soon, I hope.

I have 6 clown loaches currently in a tank with corys, catfish and gouramis and they have no problems. They are very playfull and love food but I've never seen any agression towards tank mates.

What other fish do you have in the tank..any others apart from those you have mentioned?
Don't take them back!!!!

It can't be the clown loaches they are't aggresive there very peaceful fish.

I doubt it will be them.

When I got white spot all my fish died one by one but I doubt it will be that.....


....difficult very difficult.
I've got 4 clown loaches, all about 2-3" and I've noticed that they do sometimes have a tendency to "pick" on my ADFs - especially at feeding time. Maybe they think the frogs are overgrown snails, but I've never had any problem with them with any other fish. I think that the deaths in your tank must be due to something else. What size is your tank> Sometimes overcrowding can bring out the worst in fish - they're competing for the same space. Were the fish that died ones that were used for cycling the tank coz this can weaken them drastically.
well, my clowns have even been fighting with other clowns, but imo this is becasue they are in a 10 gallon 5 clowns in a 10 gallon~!!!

so i think the tank size is definatly a problem, and i brought them becasue i know i will get a bigger tank, which i got today and shoud be cycled next week :D

well what size is your tank?
Is there anything in your tank that the fish could be cutting themselves on? Perhaps there not fighting at all?
2 times I have caught my pack of clown loaches eating a Tiger Barb. 2 of my other Tiger Barbs have gone completely missing. I might have some missing Kuhli Loaches too, but I’d have to break down my tank to verify that.

Can Clowns be aggressive? IMO, they can be without a doubt.
chefkeith said:
2 times I have caught my pack of clown loaches eating a Tiger Barb. 2 of my other Tiger Barbs have gone completely missing. I might have some missing Kuhli Loaches too, but I’d have to break down my tank to verify that.

Can Clowns be aggressive? IMO, they can be without a doubt.
Are you sure if the barbs weren't dead already? Most fishes eat other dead fishes...
Yhbae- Maybe. I've seen my clowns gang up and attack other fish, they've even attacked other new clowns. Nothing major though, just chasing them around and giving them a nip or 2. The pack of clowns will mostly only attack new, sick, or distraught fish. The clowns will ocassionally fight each other too. Nothing to brutal, they might have a few scars when the fight is over. On the other hand, My male Tiger Barbs will sometimes maim each other when the females are about to lay their eggs. Maybe the Barbs initiated the barb killings, but the clowns definately enjoyed the free meal they got out of it.

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