Fish Crazy
would it be wise to put a few clown loach in my 180 litre 3 ft juwel ? I have a snail problem at the minute - cleaned my filter yesterday and found about 60 in there, along with a few few in my tank.
I dont really want to put assassin snails in as I dont like this idea but ive just read that clown loach need to be in a bigger tank than ive got
would it be wise to put a few clown loach in my 180 litre 3 ft juwel ? I have a snail problem at the minute - cleaned my filter yesterday and found about 60 in there, along with a few few in my tank.
I dont really want to put assassin snails in as I dont like this idea but ive just read that clown loach need to be in a bigger tank than ive got