Cherry Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Dec 9, 2007
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Tomorrow I take delivery of my first cherry shrimp (10) my question is do they eat algea if so what types? I have pellet food for cories. Will this do for the shrimp as well?
Red chery shrimps will eat algae, leftover fish foods and microfoods found on plants and decor etc.
But they do like algae wafers and shrimp food once in a while too :)
More info on red cherry shrimps for you (am assuming youre getting red cherries btw) -
Thanks for the link Ch4rlie, yes they are red cherries. The tank is heavily planted, fish include Cardinals and a pair of Rams. I also have a smaller tank also well planted which I use for fry. I am thinking of putting the shrimp in there for a while and introduce them into the main tank a couple at a time to see how they get on. I may wait till they have some shrimplets first. Comments on this idea please.
I would wait for them to multiply first many of them will be eaten and hunted down by your Rams. Make sure there's lots of hiding places for the shrimp so the Rams can't find them too easy.
The bottom of the tanks are totally covered with plants, lots of hiding places.
Cichlids are a big no when keeping these. I have tried with a lot of caves, moss and dwarf sag. my cherries didn't make it in my ram tank.
I've kept them with blind cave tetras and angelfish as well. For some reason they all disappeared LOL

Good luck and congrats! :)
Thanks everyone for your input. I've decided to setup a species tank. I've been offered some blue and yellow shrimps would it be ok in the same tank and are they easy to keep?
I'd go for shrimp only tanks as well, so that ensures the Rams don't munch on the cherry shrimps :lol: expensive snacks!

As for having blue cherries with yellow, they will interbreed and the offsprings would lose the lovely colours. So, in that case would simply go for just one colour of shrimps.
If you put them in the same tank they will breed and you will eventually lose the yellow and blue colouration

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