Cherry Shrimp

Gonna bump this back up for Sharon, cos today I received 24 of these little chaps from her, after a panic by me mainly as the naughty RM had them as delivered when I hadnt received them - Sharon was brill, called RM for me, no sooner had she rang me back, did the postie arrive bang on 1pm, with all my shrimp, well packaged, all alive and healthy - now happily in their tank, racing around merrily.

Just want to say thanks again Sharon, Oh and thanks for the extra snails too, I can always use more snails :lol:

So if you want healthy cherries, get them from Sharon :good:
I too have recently had more shrimp from Shazz, as usual they were great quality and happy little critters now jetting around my tank :)

BTW Shazz, miss wiggle and I are on a mission to get all the buy/sell/swap posts to show their location in the title/subtitle. Any chance you could edit yours to say you post to the UK, it might help you generate even more business :D
Whats your pricings now Shaz, Oh and btw those BN's you sent me are growing up nice and healthily in their 80 Gallon :p

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