Fish Fanatic
Hey guys back but this time around I don't have tips or anything, more like I need help. So about a month ago I bough 7 Cherry Barbs (3:4 males) for my 75 gallon planted aquarium. An recently began conitioning hem so I can bree them, and I believe one is prego (Yes the souce). But wier thing is during feeding time it eats like 2 flakes and right away begins to float as if EXTREMELY over fed.
I trie all methods including no food for 2 days, But I have noticed all my fish pooping green leafs and roots, I suspect they're all eating the duckweed. Is it bad if I feed them and would it lea to eath of over feeding?
Pls help this innocent derp that I am.
I trie all methods including no food for 2 days, But I have noticed all my fish pooping green leafs and roots, I suspect they're all eating the duckweed. Is it bad if I feed them and would it lea to eath of over feeding?
Pls help this innocent derp that I am.