Cherry Barbs Be Floatin'


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2012
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Hey guys back but this time around I don't have tips or anything, more like I need help. So about a month ago I bough 7 Cherry Barbs (3:4 males) for my 75 gallon planted aquarium. An recently began conitioning hem so I can bree them, and I believe one is prego (Yes the souce). But wier thing is during feeding time it eats like 2 flakes and right away begins to float as if EXTREMELY over fed. 
I trie all methods including no food for 2 days, But I have noticed all my fish pooping green leafs and roots, I suspect they're all eating the duckweed. Is it bad if I feed  them and would it lea to eath of over feeding?
Pls help this innocent derp that I am.
Flakes can cause bloat so I'd soak them before feeding or switch to pellets. I'm not sure about the duckweed and such..perhaps try giving them more veggies?
I feed my fish a wide veriety, including flakes (Not too often), MANY veggies (Peas, Cucumbers, and spinach), live food (Mostly bloo worms, an for the big guys earth worms AND brine shrimp) and frozen food too!
Don't over feed bloodworms as they can also cause bloating. Only feed them twice a week but  not much. Chop them down to small pieces.
I don't know much about duckweed either.
Maybe ask about the duckweed in Tropical Discussion.

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