Challenge The - Wolf

Chlamydoselachus anguineus. Sorry Wolf, prpbably too easy and obvious for your superior brain but its all I could think of! :lol:
Helostoma temminckii
helo = nail + Greek, stoma = mouth
temminckii is named after Coenraad Jacob Temminck a dutch naturalist around at the same time as Cuvier

tatia galaxias
tatia is named after ichthyologist Mr. C. Tate Regan
galaxias after the milky way galaxy

Acanthurus tennent
Greek, akantha = thorn + Greek, oura = tail
tennentii (as it should be) is proberbly named after a Mr Tennent the double i suggest male anyways

Chlamydoselachus anguineus. Sorry Wolf, prpbably too easy and obvious for your superior brain but its all I could think of! :lol:
Greek, chlamys, -idos = cloak, cape + Greek, selachos = shark
as for the second bit

Labeotropheus Fuelleborni?? :blink:
labeo means one who has large lips
tropheus from greek tropaion means defeat
possibly named after Georg Gustav Fulleborn a German philosopher

thanks all for playing
I had fun
I'll do some more tomorrow so keep them comming :good:
Everyone knows this:

Tanichthys Albonubes
Bunocephalus coracoideus
buno fromGreek, byneo means to swell
cephalus from Greek, kephale means head

Everyone knows this:

Tanichthys Albonubes
tan after the boy that discovered it
ichtys from Greek, ichthys = fish
albo means white
nubes means cloud
after the mountain in which stream it was discovered

botia macracantha
botia modesta
ok firstly neither taxas are valid anymore but here goes
botia means belongs to the Botiinae (sub)family
modesta means modest

I've no idea on the secondpart of the first one

esox lucius
esox from Greek, isox and also related with the Celtic root, eog, ehawc means salmon
lucius is a name given by Carolus Linnaeus Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist
who discovered the fish

Exodon Paradaxus
ex from Greek, exos means outside
odon from Greek, odous means teeth
paradoxus possibly from paradox, seeing as the teeth are not that apparent or outside

if any of my research has throw up explainations that you disaggree with, by all means say so
also if you know of any explainations of those I can't find tell us.
cardisoma armatum is a crab not a fish
botia macracantha
botia modesta
ok firstly neither taxas are valid anymore but here goes

why? what are they now?

nearest I can get for macracantha is macra=thin, cantha=sing but that doesn't make much sense, unless it's (the sing part) to due with the clicking they sometimes make when they get excited or are munching on cucumber (well mine do anyway)

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