Cave Using Fish Suggestions


New Member
Jul 7, 2012
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I have a tropical nano tank that I'm thing of making a custom 3d background for, incorporating lots of tunnels and caves
But what kind of fish (or crustacean) would use them the most?
And take into account that this a nano tank.
I've thought of gold dojo loaches or mabye a dwarf cichlid.
Thanks, Chris.
It would help if you told us exactly how big you mean. I normally take "nano" to mean 40l or under.
The only fish I can think of that would suit would be peacock gobies - they breed in small caves, I use 3/4" PVC piping, covered in the substrate. Shrimp would probably like it too, but then if you encourage them to use the caves/tunnels you won't see them.
I wouldn't put any dwarf cichlids in a tank that I would class as "nano".
Bumblebee catfish? If your not stocking something it might consider food. Cute little critters, they stay small too.
Gobies! If you go with peacocks, try 1m:3f as the males squabble over caves. And if you want to breed them, get a fry tank.
I dont think the shrimp will hide unless there's an obvious predator in the tank, which the gobies shouldn't be unless its to the shrimplets.

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