Catfish For 20 Gallon


New Member
Aug 28, 2012
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Hi! :) What is the biggest catfish specie I could have in my 20 gallon tank.
Not very many types besides for Corydoras and Otos, most catfish get to be either large and eat smaller fish, or very active swimmers and still eat smaller fish. There might be another choice depending on the size of the 20 gallon, and other stocking options
I advise you to not keep any catfish but a school of cories in a 20 gallon. If you'd like to keep cories, you can get a school of 6 (must have sand, not other gravel) and can have maybe 3 platies with them. I don't recommend anything but cories for 20 gallons. :)
what about a small upsidedown catfish? they only get about 4 inches
I advise you to not keep any catfish but a school of cories in a 20 gallon. If you'd like to keep cories, you can get a school of 6 (must have sand, not other gravel) and can have maybe 3 platies with them. I don't recommend anything but cories for 20 gallons. :)
Cories are catfish... And they're darn cute ones. You could easily have ten or 12 dwarf cories, they are by far the cutest little critters and they only grow to a cm or so. Mine are tiny still and I've had them 6 months so perfect for a smaller tank.

If you're after a larger single specimin, a clown plec would be ok but it needs wood and spends all day hiding from you. Go with the cories!
what about a south american bumblebee catfish???

heres a link to info about them

seems like it would be fine, only getting 3 inches, this would allow you to house more than 1 in that tank. But also, it is an aggressive fish, attacking smaller fish. Which means probably no tetras or the like in the same tank
There are dozens of great small catfish! Think some of the posters here are seriously under selling the group :)

As said above Cories are great catfish, and really diverse - the Pygmys are a great swarming fish and the Pandas would be great here :) You also have the Hara Hara Catfish which would work great and also as said above I think the South American Bumblebees would work but be very very very very careful when buying them as they need to be the Americans as the Asians grow huge!!

A few of the smaller plec species would be good - the pitbull plec for example. Also as mentioned Ottos would be good but Giant Ottos would be good and a bigger presence in the tank :)

Red Lizard Whiptails LDA10 would be good in there as well max size 10cm but a very thin slender fish.

Wills :)
Do you just want a catfish in the tank or are you wanting a larger catfish with a community?

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