can u help me??


Fish Crazy
Jun 1, 2004
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I think I will try breeding corys. :p
I've seen the albino corys at both my lfs's. I might try and see if they've got the bronze ones. They've got these grey speckly ones -_- . What might they be??? Do you know what they might be like to breed?
Do you mind telling me what I need in my breeder tank?
Or if there's a site I can look at.
I was going to put my pregnant platties in my little tank when I get it. Would the cories breed with them in there. OR would they eat the fry??
I'd really appreciate some advice, I really want to breed something that might be a bit more of a challenge than livebearers. Something to acheive you know.
Thanks for any help!! :D
Hi sushi :)

It might be the "Peppered Cory." aka, C. paleatus that your lfs has. They are popular and are considered to be easy to breed. I have about 20 of them that I traded some other corys for, but they are still too small to breed. Here's a link with a picture of them:

The bronze and albino corys are easy to breed too. Perhaps you will decide which ones to get by the size of the ones your lfs has in stock. If you get very small ones, it will take longer to grow them to maturity.

I think I already gave you a link which explains the equipment needed, but I'll add it here too, in case other members (who haven't seen your other post) want to see it too.

I like to spawn them in a tank where the fry can grow up, if possible. I set the breeding tank up, with gravel and a little cave, and leave the corys there while they are being conditioned and until after they spawn. Then I remove them and, in the 3-4 days before the eggs hatch, clean out the gravel so that the fry will begin life in a bare bottomed tank. This is so much easier to keep clean while the fry are still small.

During the first few weeks, you will want to do daily small water changes, so for a while a filter isn't necessary. An airstone with a gentle flow is all that is needed. Then I attach a sponge filter which will begin to grow beneficial bacteria. As they get bigger, I begin to add gravel from my main tank and change to a box filter, which is also powered by the air pump.

Actually, corys will spawn right in your community tank, but their eggs and/or fry will probably be eaten by the other fish who consider them a delicacy.

Does that information help any? If not, just ask me questions and I'll do my best to answer them for you. :D
hello. Thanks heaps. ;) that's probably everything i need to know about the tank etc.
I was wondering if you know what size a mature cory is. The ones at the lfs's - albino/others - are about 3 or 4 cm/1 1/3" long. some of them are quite small.really.
WHat size should I be looking for?
And how do I tell their sexes apart? Is there any obvious signs.
Did you know if it would be ok to put them with the plattie fry, or should I keep the cories on their own. I might actually get a tank seperator????
I think I'll get between 4 &6, depending on cost. So if I can tell their sex, it'd be easier.
What male/female ratio should I be looking at????
Thankyou for your advice. It's much appreciated. :D
The guy at my lfs had a gorgeous batch of albino cories that were tank raised at home by a lady who had some adults. She would put the fry into her power filter and then when they were big enough they just swam out on their own! I didn't think to ask how she got the fry in there in the first place :crazy:
rollntider said:
she probably grabbed the eggs and put them in there. never thought to do that :huh:
....ahh - the eggs! I was trying to imagine her chasing little fry all over the tank with the net and then getting them all out and into the filter :rolleyes:

There were about 20-25 of them, all from the same spawning!
How on earth can you raise fry inside a power filter???
Do you leave it going or turn it off. I would have thought the pressure would kill them. ANd, how would you clean it?? I have to clean mine like every 2-3days. How long was it until the fry came out????
Seems a little odd to me, but then, I'm a beginner :unsure:
Why do you lower the water when you want them to spawn. Is it not too cold. I just read that the water temp should be lowered to 70'F. IS this correct???
sushi said:
How on earth can you raise fry inside a power filter???
Do you leave it going or turn it off. I would have thought the pressure would kill them. ANd, how would you clean it?? I have to clean mine like every 2-3days. How long was it until the fry came out????
Seems a little odd to me, but then, I'm a beginner :unsure:
I don't know - I was so excited about getting my fish I didn't ask for details :p

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