Can Someone Work This Out For Me?


Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
West Midlands
I am going to (bravely if i may say so) attempt the EI method as i aim to have a fairly heavily planted tank with two DIY CO2 systems and approx 2.2 WPG. My tank 125L appox 33 US Gallons

How much Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Phospate and trace will i need to add for this wattage? Im assuming as i have less than 2.5WPG my tank is considered a low wattage tank so therefore i will need less of the mix?
I would mix thesolutions as per JamesC EI pinned thread.

I have a Fluval Duo Deep 800 125Ltr. The water capacity when filled to an inch below the top of the glass is supposed to be 112Ltrs (29 USG). I have 73W light over mine which means I have 2.5WPG not 2.2WPG which it would be working on 33G.

I use JamesC mixes and dose:

30ml Pot Nitrate Sun, Tues, Thurs
15ml Pot Phosphate Sun, Tues, Thurs
6ml Tropica Plant Nutrition Mon, Weds, Fri
Saturday is my rest day and I do the water change at midnightish on Saturday Night.

It should be noted that I have a heavy fish load currently being:
4 x pitbull plecs
17 x Cardinal Tetra
4 x Otos

Therefore I am getting some nutrient from these as well.


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