can I use sand??


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2004
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I was wondering if I could use sand in my freshwater tank. I have seen some pics with sand but have also heard that sand is not a good idea??

it's either sand or I may end up just choosing natural looking gravel.

I have a 55 gal planted

any advice??

I have a "huge" pic in this topic of my tank

plants and planted tanks
yes you can use sand in a planted tank. You just need to ensure the correct balance of depth. too deep and you will get pockets of air build up causing dangerouse levels of toxic gases and too shallow your plants will not be able to get enough rootage and therefore will die.

I have my 72 gal with 1.75" of playsand and this seems to be ok for me.
Thanks wolf.

I was also wondering, what kind of fish can-not be kept with a pictus catfish?? does any one know??

Sand is great, and with live plants you actually don't have to worry about those gasses, the roots stir up the sand, as do snails.

Pictus are predetors, anything they can eat, they will try to. This means no small fish are a good idea, except ones that will keep to the top of the water.

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