Can I Transfer Him?


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2012
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The impeller in my hospital tank broke overnight. I have checked it thoroughly and it is definitely dead. Can anyone reassure me that it will be okay to put my lone emperor tetra in the big tank? It has been at 0 nitrites for quite a while now, nitrates are 10-20, and ammonia went from 2.0ppm to 0.5 in about eight hours.

I would wait until tonight to do it because I have to go out for the day, check the ammonia again, change the water if necessary (I did the 90% change the other night) and acclimate him as normal. The ammonia has been dropping at the rate mentioned above regularly for quite a while, but then taking a bit longer to go to zero. I have about 30 steams of bacopa, which I know isn't very much but it is something. I would of course monitor the water closely.

If I move him, should I get him tank mates tomorrow to try to up the bioload since I will obviously be unable to add ammonia from now on?
Yes to all. Make sure to get at least 4-5 more emperor tetras, and you can also use the media from the broken filter if you're worried about the cycle on your larger tank. Just put it in the filter, if there's room, or simply place it in the tank where there is good water flow.
Thank you! I needed the reassurance because this was unexpected. He (?) is in! The tank looks awful. I threw the plants in the sand and we just kind of dropped all of the wood and rocks in wherever so we could get it done quickly since it is so late. I have been watching him for the past little while and he seems pretty calm, eating whatever is floating in there. I will try to get some friends for him tomorrow. I hope they have some at the shop.

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