Can I Salvage Anything From This Lot Of Java Moss?


Fish Herder
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Halifax, west yorkshire, England.
Well i ordered some plants from greenline not so long ago (well 18th of last month) and they didnt turn up (due to royal mail) so he kindly sent me the plants again via special delivery and they arived next day..
Well, the plants that should of turned up originally a month ago have arived. The dwarf leaf clover is completly dead, all brown. Where as the java moss seems to have a bit of life in it, i was wondering if id be able to use some or all of this java moss. Some is brown but i was wondering if it would green up or would it be best if i just use the green bits?

If you have something like one of those floating breeding traps (or similar method), you could try floating it in the tank for a while.

A day or two of water, light and CO2 should show up any bits that can still be used. I'd remove anything that is obviously beyond salvation just to ensure that any rotting matter doesnt mess up your water.

Mr G
Just what I was going to post......Chuck the obviously rotten brown bits (which seems to be most of it) and float the rest in a breeding net or similar..... With light and CO2 you should be able to salvage some of it.....
It's a fairly tough plant so it's worth a shot...
I know java moss menna be strong but if you dont need it i wouldnt bother floating it. If there is a large amount dead, then surely it will only pollute the water? no?
Mmm, well i've got rid of as much of the dead stuff as i could. I'll give this lot a few days floating and see how it goes. It isnt in my planted tank its in my main tank (sig) (not that i want to pollute my main tank, but it will be more forgiving, and i'll be checking water params).

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