Can I grow out Geophagus Sveni in a 90 litre tank

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Aug 9, 2021
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As some might know, I’ll be getting at least a 300 litre tank in April when I move into my new house.

For now, I’m wandering if I can grow out some Geophagus Sveni in a 90 litre. It is 120cm x 30 x 30 so a 4ft tank, albeit still a small volume of water. The Svenis I can get are about 2 inches, and I know they grow pretty slow, so hoping I could start growing them out now? Thinking probably 4
You would need luck.

I mean, if you do 3 or 4 times a week 40 percent water changes, without fail, and if they don't fight, maybe 2 of the 4 would survive until the new tank is cycled. For a Geo the size of sveni (what size they are now doesn't matter a lot) you'll need about 70 ltrs per fish in a large tank. In an unforgiving tanks size for that many Geos.

You would have to watch like a hawk for neuromast pitting/hole in the head, and change water as if it were fun to do.
Happy to smash out the water changes. Is there a reason you think only 2 out of 4 would survive? The upgrade tank will be 300 litres at least, but potential for the 500 litre version of budget permits

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