Can I Feed My Fish Mosquito Larvae?


Feb 7, 2016
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I have lots of mosquito larvae in a tub outside. I want to know if I can feed them to my fish. Would I just freeze them or cook them? Thanks.
My Bettas love them live, I just pop a few in the tank and they quickly hunt them down.
NickAu said:
My Bettas love them live, I just pop a few in the tank and they quickly hunt them down.
Im just scared they will hatch though... 
Ill try drying them out or something
As long as your fish are big enough to eat the larvae, they won't have time to hatch, I promise! There's absolutely no need to to freeze or dry them; just put them in your tank and watch the feeding frenzy ensue ;)
When my kids were little, they used to love 'fishing' for mosquito larvae in our water butt; they'd spend hours out there, with a tea strainer and an old ice cream tub :)
Sounds awesome. I'll start feeding them live! Too bad for me I left the entire net I caught outside to dry out and it had ants all over it...
Ill just collect more though!
Too bad for me I left the entire net I caught outside to dry out and it had ants all over it...
Plain old black house ants are great fish food too, My Bettas go mental for a few ants.

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