Can fish blink??

Man you must be crazy! see a shrink NOW! Fish blinking, man oh man hehe

I dont think its actually a blink, just moving their eyes. Kinda looks like they are winking at you ;) When I saw mine do it the first time it freaked me out.

I think that when they blink a layer of see through skin covers the eye I think!!!
some creatures have more than one eyelid i think lizards it doesnt surprise me that fish have a basic eye lid i had a peice on this from somewhere ill post it as an edit if i find it.

edit : well i dissagree with this part thats been posted but here is an artical of sorts explaining a little more about the fish eye.
double edit: by that i mean that i do think some fish do have little see thru eyelids to wipe the eye.
Eye cover is mainly used when sniffing for food on the substrate. Protection and visual useage. When you see a Cory wink it's just clearing particals from it. :thumbs:

:p :blink: :lol: I think we need to get out more too!! Except I'm off on a school field trip tomorrow - supervising - so at the moment I think getting out more is a bad idea :X :/ Thanks for the replies - wish me luck!! cool_jool

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