Hi all,
I'm currently setting up a small (5.5 gallon) planted tank. The only planned inhabitants are Dwarf African Frogs, Cherry Shrimp, and maybe a few of my Nerites or Malaysian Trumpets (unless I go through with the plan below).
I've recently had a population explosion of Ramshorn snails in my tanks. While they don't hurt the plants, and don't look unsightly, they're really making the sand totally filthy.
So, from what I've read about Dwarf Puffers, they actually do fine with cherry shrimp, and work well on controling a snail population. Dwarf Puffers can be fed blood worms, which is the main diet of my ADFs as well.
While I understand on the whole Dwarf Puffers are uber-aggressive fish, and could certainly take out a ADF, I wonder if they are pretty similar to Bettas where ADFs are sufficiently "un-fishlike" to warrant any sort of response?
Any experience people have here would be welcome.
I'm currently setting up a small (5.5 gallon) planted tank. The only planned inhabitants are Dwarf African Frogs, Cherry Shrimp, and maybe a few of my Nerites or Malaysian Trumpets (unless I go through with the plan below).
I've recently had a population explosion of Ramshorn snails in my tanks. While they don't hurt the plants, and don't look unsightly, they're really making the sand totally filthy.
So, from what I've read about Dwarf Puffers, they actually do fine with cherry shrimp, and work well on controling a snail population. Dwarf Puffers can be fed blood worms, which is the main diet of my ADFs as well.
While I understand on the whole Dwarf Puffers are uber-aggressive fish, and could certainly take out a ADF, I wonder if they are pretty similar to Bettas where ADFs are sufficiently "un-fishlike" to warrant any sort of response?
Any experience people have here would be welcome.