Calm Convict


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
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Belleville NJ
I have had my convict in a 10 gallon tank for way to long. I was supposed to get a 75 but that didnt work out. This convict has had a miserable life. I got him from a friend that had no idea how to take care of him. When i got him He had ich, and fungus. He also had no tail it was completely gone. He had put the temp higher to try to kill the ich but the heater never went off. the fish was in 109 degree water. I rescued him and had him in a 10 for a long time. I put him in my 55 this morning because he wasnt eating or moving in the 10. He is active and chasing my gouramis around like my other gouramis do to each other but he never actually bites them. Could a lifetime of misery possibly calmed him down????
Perhaps but he needs a while in his new surroundings to feel secure and then you'll see what he's going to be like.

It could have made him a lot more aggro or more calm. It is different for each individual fish, imo.
Well hes definatly not going to stay in there. Not that he is being bad right now but he is a convict and he is a cichlid and he is VERY unprdictable. I am to worried about the safety of my Gouramis (all the cats, plecs, and my loach will be fine). I just had to give him some swiming room for a while. I feel very bad for him he has been held in such a tiny tank for soooo much longer than i wanted.
I would have left him in the other tank then if he's going right back in there anyways The stress from the moving isn't worth a few minutes to stretch his legs., imo.

How big is he anyways? How big are your gouramis? Can you put the gouramis in the 10 instead if they're smaller?
All of the gouramis are bigger than him except for one. Its not stressing him out very much because both tanks have the exact same water. Both same Ph both Same temp and salt content (none because of plecs) Infact when i filled the 10 it was with water from the 55 so that i didnt have to cycle the tank. The only difference is the size. So i dont think he will be extremely stressed besides hes going to be in the 55 overnight. I removed the smallest gourami and put him in my 29 because of his size and because he is peaceful while the others are semi. He is a giant gourami.

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