Bumble bee gobies.



hi guys.......

my lfs has bumblebee gobies....they are kept in brackish tanks but i have heard that they can be kept in freshwater.....is this true?.......if so can they be acclimated after being brackish or do they have to start out freshwater?

I think they have to start out in fw. I got some and they just so happened to be in FW when I got them and are doing quite well in my FW puffer tank. The FW kind are few and far between though...maybe you can order them off the net or something.

HTH & Good Luck
Mine is doing ok in freshwater. I think it would really preffer to be in a brackish tank, but I do not have room for the cory cats in other tankns yet. It will have to wait.

They normally live in brackish water but move up into freshwater to breed. If they are kept in freswater they have a tendency to just want to *&$(, er, I mean breed. (well that last part is what the guy at the lfs told me). Like I said mine is still alive after four months, but I think it would preffer some salt in there. No I do not have any idea why I think it would preffer it :huh: :D

If you want tips on how to acclimate it, I can tell you what I have read. I would try and put it in a brackish tank though.

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