Bulbs Keep Burning Out/blowing Up.


Feb 7, 2016
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I have a 2.5 gallon micro tank I plan on scaping soon. I am looking at the round of using a CFL bulb for light. I bought 2 sylvania micro mini instant up CFL 6500k bulbs. They say they are 60 watts or something and turn to 13w or something.
Either way I have been us;ing regular 60w desk lamps and putting the bulbs in and after a few minutes I hear a sizzling noise and it shuts off. I have gone through 2  bulbs so far with 2 different lamps. I bought 2 more bulbs today, but am I using the wrong lamp? Should I be using a more low power 13w lamp? Thanks
BTW on a side note for my other 20g long aquarium, would a dual T8 bulb set be sufficient enough for these plants in my planted tank: 
S repens
Hygrophila Pinnatifida
Java Moss
Narrow Leaf java Fern
Rotala Rotundifolia/Indica
Ludwigia S Red
Lots of pearl weed 
Baby Tears(The tall stem one)
Am not too sure on bulbs for aquariums, its not something I am familiar with to be entirely honest so I cannot really advise on that aspect am afraid.
Java Moss, Java ferns are amongst the easiest plants to care for as these are usually low maintenance type plants, so just about any half decent lights will be fine for these.
As for the T8 lights, these are a good reliable, tried and tested light unit. I have this on my 20 gal long tank as well, and the plants are growing well and have not had any real issues over the last 2 years I have had T8's.
T8 light would suit most of your plants you have isted though the red ludwigia may struggle to keep the leaves red and may turn back to green, the baby tears which is more a substrate covering plant, like a carpet plant, these tends to struggle to grow and spread without co2 in either pressuriesed or liquid form as well as good ferts.
The growth of most of these plants depends on the wattage and colour of the tubes you have really.

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