livebearers are the easiest to breed, but with your male/female ratio, its likely she will be stressed to the point of hiding, and in some cases, death. For the best chance at breeding them, get a few more females, and provide lots of hiding. Livebearers eat their babies. Another fish that is easy to breed are convicts. But they will demolish tankmates when they are spawning.
livebearers are the easiest to breed, but with your male/female ratio, its likely she will be stressed to the point of hiding, and in some cases, death.
That should be fine. But I would get some java moss or other thick plants. The other fish in the tank WILL eat fry. or get a separate tank for the female when she gets ready to spawn
they can breed in the main tank, but you will want to remove the female shortly before birth. For more information, you can alwayys google search fish prior to breeding, which I highly recommend. Research your stock and see what will happen to said babies in the future