Breeding Platies With Swordtails


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
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i was just wondering what is the best setup to use to get a platy to breed with a swordtail? (males(s) platy to a bunch of female swordtails?? or male swordtail(s) to a bunch of female platies???) i am aware that every single swordtail and platy is a hybrid of the 2 species as it is but i want to breed swordtails and platys to make my OWN f1 hybrids. so i just want to know if anyone bred a platy with a swordtail and got fry and raised the fry up. if so how did you get them to mate? (male platy-female sword or vice versa) thank you.
I have moved this topic from the species index section, which is for just informational posts rather than questions.
You might find it slightly easier to breed male swordtails to female platies (female platies prefer males with swords, even though males of their own species don't have them!) but it will work either way.

Most of the platies you buy aren't hybrids, but swordtails are.

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